October 7th, 2015 I have added a number of new works to the gallery page. The Lotus Boxes are finally in the home stretch and will be completed very soon. Thanks everyone who has been patiently waiting for these. Hector and I recently parted ways. I will miss his company and very skilled craftsmanship. January 10th, 2015 Happy 2015! I hope you are as excited as I am about this upcoming year! I will be teaching my second woodworking class at Anderson Ranch this summer. If you have any free time to travel to Aspen Colorado I recommend signing up for my class on how to make a puzzle box. Here is a link to details. I am also now taking reservations for my next small batch project, The Disc Box II. This is a box of the same quality as the Koa Pipe Organ Box I made last year. The Disc Box II is also the first puzzle I have prototyped that I cannot solve. There is also a new page about, The Cut Box. I made this for an auction taking place next month. This is a non puzzle box with an elegant movement. Please contact me if you have interest in participating.
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